Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Behavior Training for Your Dog

Dog behavior training can overcome problems such
as biting, chewing and barking. This article addresses
these problems and offers dog training hints to help
you avoid the undesirable consequences of poor dog
behavior. Dog training becomes increasingly important
now that there are stricter laws about keeping a dog.


Does your dog keep you and your neighbors awake
all night with his constant barking? Is his nipping and
biting a matter of concern to you? Do the only items left
in your house that he hasn't chewed actually belong to him
and were given to him for the purpose of chewing? If you
answered yes to all or even one of these questions it may
be time to invest in some dog behavior training.

With regard to the barking problem - if you shout at him,
he will only respond with a louder bark. Take a look at
what may be causing him to bark in the first place. Is he
afraid? Is there someone hanging about outside? Is he
barking because he is happy? If there is no apparent
reason then he is barking because he is unaware that
it is wrong to do so and this is where dog behavior training
comes into play. There are several products on the market
to stop dogs constantly barking, one of which is a collar
that gives the dog just the smallest possible electric shock
when they bark, telling them that their behavior is

With the recent tightening of the laws about keeping
a dog, biting is a habit you need to quickly bring to an end.
If your dog should bite someone other than you, you have
a serious problem on your hands and a possible outcome
is that you may be required to put your dog to sleep.
Therefore, showing him he must not bite is probably one
of the most important training exercises you will ever have
to teach your dog. You need to be firm and totally
unswayable. The reason dogs nip or bite you when playing
is because this is how dogs play, with their mouths. So the
next time your dog attempts to nip you, stroke him with
one hand whilst offering him something you don't mind him
biting, like one of his toys, for example, with your other hand.
It will not take long before he realizes that biting your hand
is not an option. Repeat this training for however long it takes
to get him to understand he must not do this.

Experienced dog owners know all about the need for
dog training, but it is a brand new subject for someone who
has just taken on their first dog and they will need all the help
they can get. Getting your hands on good dog training
resources, such as videos, CD's or e-books is a good way to
speed up the training of your dog. Most of all remember you
are not the only one who has a dog who does not behave
perfectly. The key, of course, is finding out how to improve
your dog's behavior and putting an end to all the unnecessary
barking and biting and chewing things that do not belong to him.

Article written by Ron Passfield. Ron learned the importance
of dog training through his own experience with four loyal
canine companions - Peter (Golden Cocker Spaniel),
Chow Mein (Pekinese) and Bindy & Cindy (Golden Retrievers):

Gte your free Golden Retriever training resources:



D.I.Y. Dog Training

Do-It-Yourself dog training - simple, step by step
ebooks and audios that show you how to train your dog.
Practical guidance to help you regain control, overcome
aggressive behaviour and learn basic dog obedience
training. Learn the tricks of training your dog and
develop a new positive relationship.

SitStayFetch Dog Obedience Program

SitStayFetch helps you overcome 25 dog obedience
. Designed to achieve quick results with
specific dog behavior problems. Put an end to the
stress and frustration that dog disobedience causes
you. Start right now to make yourself and your dog
a whole lot happier.

Herbal and Homeopathic Remedies for Dogs

Natural remedies to overcome emotional and
psychological problems of your dog
. Powerful
herbal and homeopathic remedies for dogs and their
physical ailments.


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